Friday, October 21, 2011

My journey to the Nationwide Columbus Marathon, October 16, 2011

**** Warning: Contains blood, sweat, tears and poop. Yes, there will be poop. Oh, and TONS of pictures!!! And a REALLY LONG BLOG. Like an hour's worth of reading, lol. You have been warned.

Let me start at the beginning (well, my 2nd beginning anyway - which will make more sense shortly). The beginning is this:

This was me in June 2008. I honestly can't tell you how much I weighed. I didn't own a scale and didn't want to. But if I had, it would have said "Damn you have a fat ass!".  But, if I were to guess, I would say I weighed anywhere between 250 and 270 lbs. I am 5' 3" and wore a size 24 (but was slowly sneaking up to a 26, and I refused to buy anything in that size). 7 years prior to this picture I weighed 180 lbs and wore a size 14. I was also a runner.

I had gone to the La Salle Bank's Chicago Marathon in 1999 with some friends and was so inspired by the people running that marathon that I decided I wanted to run a 5K (3.1 miles). I told my friends I would come back to Chicago the following year and run the 5K even though at the time I weighed about 260 lbs and was in a size 24 (wow, I'm seeing a pattern here, lol). So, immediately after returning home I began to jog. I could only jog for maybe 30 seconds at a time, but I kept going.

Flash forward to Chicago 2000. In 1 year I had lost 80 lbs and ran in my first 5K! Granted, I wasn't fast, but damn it, I did it!! Then in 2001, I moved to Columbus, OH. I was still running, but slowly that sedentary bug started to come back. I eventually stopped running and by the end of 2003 I had gained back every freakin' pound I had worked so hard to lose. Which brings us back to the picture at the top. I saw this picture and realized I was tired of being fat. I was tired of people making fun of me. I was tired of feeling like a fat, lazy slob. In fact, I was just plain tired. I resolved to do something about it. Running had worked for me before so I went back to what I knew and started running.

In July 2008, I bought a treadmill because I refused to let people see me "run". I set a goal. I wanted to do the Cooper River Bridge Run (a 10K or 6.2 miles) in April 2009 in Charleston, SC. Granted, the farthest I'd ever run was a 5K, but I was going big this time!! So I got on that treadmill and I ran!! I kept going and kept pushing myself. And in April, 2009 I ran the Cooper River Bridge Run with my mom and a couple girl friends. Here's my mom and me after the race!

While I was training for the Bridge Run one of my best friends, Shellie, and I started talking about the Nationwide Columbus Half Marathon in October 2009. Wait, what??? Half marathon? Are you kidding me???? Seriously, that is 13.1 miles. Why are we even having this discussion? There is no way in hell I am going to run a half marathon. Wait, do you think I could do it? I mean, that's a whole lot of running. Ok, I'm gonna get crazy here and I'm going to train for it. What the hell right? So, over the summer of 2009 I trained for my first half marathon. And I thought I was going to die. Literally. In August I participated in the Cap City 10 miler (my farthest run ever!). On the hottest day of the year. I got to mile 9 before I crashed and burned. We're talking dropping to the ground with a debilitating cramp in my calf. Followed by light headedness and finishing with projectile vomiting. Yeah, it wasn't pretty. But I still had 2 months until my half marathon so I kept training.

And on October 18, 2009 I completed my first half marathon with a time of 3 hours 28 minutes and 33 seconds.

Then 2 months later I ran the inaugural Rock N Roll Las Vegas Half Marathon and I caught the half marathon bug!!!

Since October 2009 I have run 12 half marathons including: Nationwide Columbus October 2009, Las Vegas December 2009, Cap City (Columbus) May 2010, Columbus Half Marathon August 2010, Emerald City (Columbus) September 2010, Nationwide Columbus October 2010, Las Vegas December 2010, Nashville April 2011, Cap City May 2011, Carmel (Indiana) June 2011, Providence (Rhode Island) August 2011, and Virginia Beach September 2011. Here's a pic of me at the Cap City half marathon in May 2011 where I PR'ed (personal record with a finishing time of 3:21:04).

In January 2011 I joined a calorie counting website called MyFitnessPal (MFP) on the recommendation of someone. Since that long ago picture from June 2008 I had dropped to about 200 lbs on my own, however, from January 2010, I had gained 20 lbs back so when I started MFP I was at about 220 lbs. Also in January I must have been on something, because I got it in my head that I was going to train for a full marathon. I was going to run the same race as my first half marathon. Holy $&!*, what was I thinking?????? I kept thinking to myself....Do you realize how far a marathon is? I mean, you do realize that you are going to be running for over 6 hours straight. You don't even work for 6 hours straight, let alone run for that long, lol. You must be out of your effing mind. But I started training. I printed a training plan from and went for it. I made it to March and 16 miles before I got burnt out.

You see, I'm slow as hell. I mean S.L.O.W. I didn't know a single person who ran my pace so every run I forced myself out there alone. Do you know how boring it is running 10, 12, 14, 16 miles by yourself? I don't care what music you listen to or how beautiful the trail or neighborhood you run in is, it's boring as $&!*. You hear people tell you that they get in "the zone" and they think about this or that to distract them or they focus on breathing or on the sound of their footsteps, or whatever crap they say they do. You know what? Good for you that you can distract yourself and get in your zone, seriously. However, this girl can't. Oh, I can focus, but I'm focusing on how my lungs are on fire, or how much my fat thighs rubbing together burns, and how much running sucks. Yep, I said it. Running sucks. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE races! I love the energy and the emotion that come with it. I love being surrounded by all these people who are out on that race course kicking ass and taking names. But what I don't like is training. In my perfect world I could wake up one morning and go run a half marathon. I don't need no stinkin' training runs. But sadly, I don't live in my perfect world. So, in order to run in the fun races, I have to train. Which sucks. Especially training alone.

So, to combat the "aloneness" I joined M.I.T. (Marathoners in Training) through my local Fleet Feet in May. They provide you with a customized training plan for your pace and experience level. The entire M.I.T. group meets every Saturday morning for a long run. They also meet on Wednesday evenings. The rest of the week you train on your own or with a running buddy. Best. Investment. Ever. When I attended the information session I learned that the last running pace group was a 13:00 min/mile pace. I was lucky to run a 14:00 min pace. My next choice was the run/walk group. So, that's where I went. I wasn't too sure about the run/walk thing. I mean, I was a runner. I thought walk breaks were weak. Walk breaks were for people who couldn't run. But by joining M.I.T. I became a run/walker - I would run for 4 minutes, walk for 1 min 30 sec, run for 4 minutes, walk for 1 min 30 sec, and so on. Here's a pic of my M.I.T. running partners, Jacqui and George, and me.

My first half marathon as a run/walker was about 3 weeks after joining M.I.T. in Carmel Indiana. I got to meet some MFP friends for the first time so that made it extra special! Weather was perfect. I started out at a comfortable pace. I kept to my 4:1.5 interval. I passed the 1 mile marker at just about a 13:00 min/mile pace. Whoa! I don't run that fast. What is happening?? I kept going and as each mile went by I started calculating in my head what my finish time was going to be. Oh my God!!! I just might finish this race in 3 hours (my previous best time was 3:21:04 and my dream time was 3:15!!). Ohmigod, ohmigod, ohmigod!! Just keep going, just keep going. I see the finish clock! Success!!!! I cross the finish line in 3 hours and 46 SECONDS!! I just took 21 minutes off my best half marathon time!!! Needless to say I cried all the way back to my car. My next half marathon was in Providence in August (2 months away from THE MARATHON). I get another PR. I finish that race in 2 hours 58 minutes. I completed Virginia Beach in September in 3 hours and 4 minutes. I would have finished in just under 3 hours again, but I had to stop to pee.

As my marathon training continued, our mileage slowly increased. And let me tell you, training for a full marathon isn't just about training to go 26.2 miles. It's also about not getting injured and learning all the fun things your body does. On our first 16 mile run we had just turned around at mile 8 to head back when my clumsy butt tripped over nothing. Well, maybe some uneven pavement, but really it was nothing. Total facer! Scraped up my arms and legs and I seriously must have elbowed myself in the boob or something cause dear God it hurt!! After our 20 mile long run, which I barely finished, I started getting worried that I wasn't going to be able to complete the marathon. But we kept training. Oh, and one thing they don't tell you about training for a marathon - sometimes, when you're out on a long run, you might have to poop. And you may not be anywhere near a toilet. Oh, and you might lose toenails (I lost many just during my half marathon training, lol). But back to the pooping thing. Running for that long of a time, for that long of a distance gets things moving besides your feet if you know what I mean. On our 22 mile run, we were about 5 miles into the run and about a mile and a half from the nearest toilet when suddenly, uh oh. If this ever happens to you, you have 2 choices. You can poop your pants (which happens - I've seen it) or you can find a discreet place, drop your drawers and just go. My discreet place happened to be between 2 pine trees in someone's yard (my sincere apologies!). And honestly, after the first time communing with nature (which this wasn't) it gets easier, lol. Here's me after barely making it 20 miles.

Fast foward 3 weeks!! It's race day!! Sunday, October 16, 2011. Believe it or not, until race morning I wasn't nervous. No anxiety, no butterflies, nothing.  However, walking from the car to the hotel where I'm meeting my M.I.T. group, I turn and look at my mom and say "Oh God, I think I'm going to puke". Luckily I didn't, lol.  I'd been checking the weather all week and they were calling for rain and cooler temps. Ok, cooler temps, perfect, I can deal. Rain? Ugh. Warm rain I don't mind running in. But cold rain just blows. So race morning dawns and I'm up early to eat my breakfast and to, well, poop. I mean, while I'll go wherever I have to if it happens, I don't particularly want to find a "shade tree" as my co-worker calls it to take care of business. And there is nothing grosser than pooping in a port-a-potty. NOTHING. I was super excited about race weekend, because not only was I running my first marathon, but my parents were there to cheer me on! So my mom and I head downtown race morning to meet my M.I.T. group.  We talk to a couple people, hang out for a bit, and then we walk to the start line. Finally, the gun goes off and we slowly start creeping up to the actual start line. I'm wearing my M.I.T. tank, a pair of shorts, my fuel belt and I have my iPod on. I cross the start line, turn on my watch and start my interval timer. I settle into a nice comfortable pace.

I get just past the 1 mile marker and my friend Bryan is standing on the corner with a cow bell. I run up and give him a hug! Back to the course I go. Things are going well. I'm enjoying the course and just taking in the experience. About mile 4 1/2 I pass "Jack". Jack is a 90 year old who is running his 30th Columbus marathon. I actually had the pleasure of running the last 4 miles of a race with Jack last year and spent a lot of time after the race talking to him and his wife. He has done triathlons and hundreds of half marathons and marathons. And he didn't start running until his 50s!!! Weather is still holding up - meaning no rain! Still a little cool - mid to high 40s. And I'm still feeling great! I pass the 10K mark at about an hour and 25 minutes. I'm right on target for my 6 hour goal! Of course, I know I'm going to slow down and I know realistically I'm not going to finish in 6 hours, but I still have that goal in the back of my head. Of course, I will be happy to just finish.

By now we're back on Broad Street, and we head back the way we came. I get back to where my friend Bryan was and he's still there! We hug again and I keep going. We head through an area of town called Old Towne East. There is always a HUGE gathering of people on this one street holding signs, drinking beer and cheering loudly! This year the crowd was even bigger! I am now between miles 7 and 8 and I have to pee. I make it to a port a potty just past mile 8. Around mile 10 we're in an area of town called German Village. I hear my name being called and up ahead are some of my M.I.T. buddies, including Heather and my run/walk pace group coach, Dana,cheering for me!!  I get some high fives and way to gos as I run by.  Then I notice up ahead some fire trucks. The closer I get I realize that I have to run on the sidewalk because they are loading someone into an ambulance. I still don't know what happened to that person, but I hope he/she is ok! I pass mile 10 and think, damn, I'm at mile 10 already. This race has flown by!! I make it to mile 12 which is where it starts uphill. I make it up the hill, no problem!

Then comes the test. To continue on with the marathon I have to run by the finish line. Who's the sadistic bastard that makes a person running 26.2 miles run right by the finish line and know that they're only half way done? But I keep my focus straight ahead.  I get to almost mile 14 and there on the street is my mom and my friend Chris! My mom is screaming and yelling and taking pictures and Chris is videotaping.  I chat it up with them for a few minutes, use the bathroom at the store where I work and get going. Nothing exciting happens for awhile. Really. I'm just running, lol. I run through the Ohio State University campus, head over to West Campus and then run through the neighborhoods of Upper Arlington. And now it's starting to get windy. And sunny. Wait, no, it's cloudy again. Nope, sunny, nope, cloudy. And there it stays. And it's still windy. We meander through Upper Arlington and head back towards the Grandview area.

I'm running down Grandview Ave when I hear someone yelling my name! It's my friend Beth (or as I call her, Bessy). Bessy had been sitting in the coffee shop tracking me. She runs away from me toward this group of guys who are playing music, yelling, "It's her, she's coming!". The next thing I know, they are playing a song for me!! Sadly, I have no idea what the song was, lol. But it was still sweet! So, Bessy runs a couple blocks with me and gives me a huge hug. I just passed mile 22. I'm still in the Grandview area and I'm starting to slow down. I'm just about to the mile 23 marker and as I'm running down a huge hill I hear my name being yelled again!!! There, at the bottom of the hill are my friends Shellie, Pam and Erin, who all ran the half marathon. They start running with me and telling me how great I look and that I don't look tired at all. Bwahahaha, boy do I have them fooled. I'm dying inside, lol! But they give me high fives and a slap on the ass and tell me to go win this one, lol.

Alright, home stretch here! Only a 5K to go. I can do this! I have now run farther than I ever have before. The entire marathon I had been doing a 3 minute run/ 1 min 30 sec walk interval. About mile 23 I'm at more like a 2:30 run/2:30 walk interval. But, I'm doing alright. Mile 24 comes and I am almost out of water in my fuel belt so at the water station they let me pour some water into my bottles. And I'm off again. I get to mile 25 and I'm more at a 1:15-1:30 run/3:30-3:45 walk. But I'm still moving!! And suddenly, there it is - MILE 26!!!!! Only .2 miles to go. And as soon as I pass that mile 26 flag I start running and I'm not stopping!!! Thank God it's all down hill from there, literally, lol. I'm running and running and running and HOLY $%*& I JUST CROSSED THE FINISH LINE!!!!!!!! I did it! And with a smile on my face!  And I finished in 6:25:15!!

And here is me the day after my marathon weighing 188 lbs and wearing a 14/16:

I actually felt great! I mean, I was a little stiff and a tad sore, and stairs were slow going, but other than that I wouldn't have known I'd just run a marathon the day before! So, there you go. That is my story. Well, my story up until now. I still have about 50-60 more pounds to lose, but I look at that first picture and I realize how far I've come. Both in weight loss and in fitness. Oh, and I'm already planning my next marathon!


  1. You are incredible. You inspire me & I am so lucky to know you :) Hope to see you for a run on Saturday!
    -Amy (from MiT)

  2. HOLY SH*&! I love your journey! What a great finish too. I'm inspired...not to do a full but just to keep going with my training. In fact, since I haven't signed up for my race yet I think I will. Every week we add mileage I get butterflies. My biggest fear is hitting the wall. I've been blogging my running/weight loss (gain) loss for a few years too but I love your balls to the wall honesty. Congrats on a great finish. I'm glad you are my coach! I've just told my husband last week that I'm inspired to keep going...the half will not be the end of me :)
